Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebrate Healthy Teens!

Please join us in celebrating the 6th Annual ALCOHOL-FREE WEEKEND on May 1 through 3 by pledging to stay alcohol free for one weekend, just before prom and graduation.
The mission of this weekend is to demonstrate to our young people that adults do not always choose to drink alcohol each weekend and that we can have fun without alcohol! It also reminds parents each spring to talk to their teens about the risks of underage drinking.

The Burlington Drug & Alcohol Task Force is holding a kickoff celebration on the Burlington Common on Friday May 1, 5-7pm. Free pizza and sodas will be served while families enjoy music performed by Burlington youth!

Burlington has taken a stand to teach young people to make healthy choices. Each spring, communities brace for the inevitible loss of a young life. Burlington takes this pro-active stand to reduce the risk of tragedy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Parent-Teen Marijuana Forum

Pictures from "MARIJUANA: WEEDING OUT THE TRUTH" March 11 at MSMS. Courtesy of Chief Fran Hart